wc 24th February23 February 2020 (by head) |
This week
Good afternoon,
I hope the children have all had a good half term break. School is closed for INSET tomorrow, the staff are working at The Harley Gallery, developing their art skills with the resident artist. This will support the teaching of art in school.
There is a change to the published menu due to deliveries:
Tuesday Fish Fingers or Cheesy Tomato Pizza
Wednesday Margherita Pizza or Sweet potato Macaroni
Thursday Sausage or Quorn Sausage
Friday Venison Burger or Quorn Burger
Consent slips must be returned on Tuesday for the trip to The Institute of Sport (trip is on Wednesday).
Clubs for the week:
Tuesday Student Voice
Book Squad
Wednesday Football Y1, 2 & 3
Guitar as normal
Classes 1, 2 & 3 trip to The Institute of Sport, Sheffield. Depart at 8.50am. School PE kit including joggers/leggings should be worn, the children should either bring shorts or wear them underneath joggers for the athletics session. Packed lunch, drink and snack is also required. We return to school for a normal 3.30pm finish.
Merits at 9.00am.
F2 & Y6 height & weight check
PTFA Meeting at 2.45pm
BARN DANCE TICKETS FOR SALE – The Barn Dance is fast approaching (6th March), please buy your tickets this week so that at the PTFA meeting, numbers can be finalised. This promises to be a fun family event, but we need more tickets sold please.
Please make booking for EarlyBirds and Afterschool to office@sturton.notts.sch.uk
Thank you.