Church Street
Retford Nottinghamshire
DN22 9HQ

01427 880342

Sturton C of E Primary School

  1. News
  2. wc 10th February

wc 10th February

6 February 2020 (by head)

This week

Good afternoon,


The menu cycle is Week 2.


Clubs for the week:

Tuesday               NO BOOK SQUAD

                              Student Voice

Wednesday         NO FOOTBALL



NSPCC  Number Day – children working on Maths type investigations and activities throughout the morning.

Early Reading Evening 6.00pm – please enter via the car park door to the hall. Childcare is available as well as refreshments. There are still places, thank you to over 20 parents who have already confirmed.



Guitar as normal



Class 2 Assembly at 9.00am – everyone welcome. Lots of hard work is going into this, please join us.

Coffee morning following the assembly in aid of Church funds to display the new Pilgrim’s tapestry. Cost will be £1 for children and £2 for adults for cake and a drink. Mrs. Barbara Bartle is doing some baking for the event but if anyone wishes to bake as well, please let me know.

School closes for half term. School reopens on Tuesday 25th February. (Monday is staff INSET)


Please make bookings for EarlyBirds and Afterschool to by Friday. Can I ask that if a booking is made and then there is a change in arrangements, and your child is picked up at 3.30pm, that the school office is informed.


Thank you.