Church Street
Retford Nottinghamshire
DN22 9HQ

01427 880342

Sturton C of E Primary School

  1. News
  2. wc 9th December

wc 9th December

6 December 2019 (by head)

This week

Good morning,


The Christmas Fayre starts at 3.30pm this afternoon. As previously stated, the children will be handed to parents as normal at the end of the day, please then queue in the car park to enter the hall. This gives the staff chance to get to their stalls etc.


There will be no clubs for the next two weeks.


Guitar lessons are on as normal.


Costumes for the dress rehearsals should be in school by Monday please. If you are having any issues, please speak to the class teachers.


You should have had your performance tickets, please remember to bring them in order to get in at each performance. Photo and video can be taken, but this is for your own use and should not be shared on social media please (school policy).


Doors will open for the performances at 1.45pm for the afternoon performances and 5.45pm for the evening performances. The children should come to the evening performances in their costumes please. Following the afternoon performances, parents can take children home after the performance, they do not have to wait until 3.30pm. Siblings can also be collected too.


On Friday, it is Christmas lunch and children can come to school in a Christmas jumper. Normal uniform should be worn with the jumper replacing the sweatshirt/cardigan.


The village Christmas tree lighting takes place on Tuesday at 5.45pm outside The Reindeer. You will have seen the Grand Prize Draw tickets for Church funds that were sent home with the children this week. This will be drawn at the event.


As you know, we are taking the children to the cinema on the morning of 17th December, if there are any Foundation 1 children who you are not wanting to go, please let the school office know.


Have a good weekend.