Church Street
Retford Nottinghamshire
DN22 9HQ

01427 880342

Sturton C of E Primary School

  1. News
  2. wc 11th February

wc 11th February

8 February 2019 (by head)

This week

Good afternoon,


Menu Cycle 3


Clubs for the week:

Tuesday               Football F2 – Y3

                                Art Club

Wednesday        No Makaton

Thursday             Pupil Voice Committee



Guitar as normal.



PTFA Bingo Evening – please buy tickets from the school office or PTFA members.



Class 2 trip to Sherwood Forest.



Merits at 9.00am.

Break up for half term.


Return to school on Tuesday 26th February.


Thank you for the returned lunch choices that begin after half term.


Please make booking for EarlyBirds or Afterschool to the school office:


Have a good weekend.