wc 2nd July1 July 2018 (by head) |
This week
Good afternoon,
Menu Cycle 1
We send best wishes to the Y6 this week as they undertake their transition visits at Retford Oaks, Tuxford, Elizabethan and Queen Elizabeth High School.
Clubs for the week:
Tuesday Choir
Wednesday Art Club
Football KS1
Thursday Pupil Voice Committee
Friday Striders
The new F1 taster afternoon 1.00pm
Sturton’s Little Starters
All children will spend the morning in their new classes.
No Merits
All children will spend the morning in their new classes.
Swimming Y1, 5 & 6
Please make booking for Earlybirds and afterschool to the school office.
Photograph orders should be in by Wednesday please.
Information for the Y6 London trip will be out early this week.
We are having a collection for Mr. Williams’ leaving gift, if you would like to contribute, please have it to the school office by Friday 6th July.